Skills obsolescence: training to remain… relevant J

or simply effective



Our experiences have given us skills that are always present and visible in our work. However our people are changing. Their expectations and the way they operate, function and work are being reshaped with the emergence of new technologies rendering the tools of the past obsolete or simply a little “has been”.


Behind what some may call a passing fad, these changes can be seen in management practices, organisational structures, communication and even interviews…fundamental shifts that should be taken into account if we don’t want to be left by the wayside.


So, why not experiment with new practices, new tools to develop us and also enable us gain a different perspective on situations and approaches?


A few practical examples

  • Meetings: with approaches based on collective intelligence or new tools such as Klaxoon which are revolutionising the way of sharing and co-developing as a team
  • CoDev (professional co-development), a method for sharing practices and problem-solving is also arriving in organisations in force.
  • Presentations: with visual pecha kuchas and the eagerly anticipated end of PowerPoint
  • Interviews: with the emergence of collective interviews, valuable when you consider that people work in teams and this aspect is often missing from one-to-one interviews.

The same is true of training:

Alongside classroom-based training, E-learning, webinars, in-house training and inverse mentoring are breathing new life into teaching methods.
In short, it should be possible to trial anything new, with discernment, whilst respecting the basics of good practical sense and positive pedagogy.

Whatever our job, let’s keep abreast of the changes and learn!
In June Active Talents is offering training for trainers on 7 and 11 June 2019 in Nice. To find out more, get in touch!